Overview of the Austrian school system

1st – 4th grade Primary school (Volksschule/Grundschule)

5th – 8th school levels New secondary school („Neue Mittelschule“), (Unterstufe der Allgemeinbildenden Höheren Schule - AHS)

9th school level Polytechnical school/ pre-vocational school (Polytechnische Schule/Fachmittelschule - PTS/FMS), Vocational education and training school(Berufsbildende Mittlere Schule - BMS), Vocational education and training college (Berufsbildende Höhere Schule - BHS), Upper level of secondary school (Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule - AHS)

10th – 12th/13th school levels Apprenticeship/ vocational school for apprentices (Lehre/Berufsschule), Upper level of secondary school (Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule (AHS-Oberstufengymnasium), Vocational education and training school or college, (Berufsbildende Mittlere oder Höhere Schule - BMS, BHS)